To empower and inspire our students to become life-long learners through inclusivity and high-quality teaching and learning.
To nurture our student well-being, build resilience and achieve success through real life experiences and community collaboration.
‘Ngalak Keyen Moort Ngalang Boodja’
Care. Ambition. Respect.
Our Values of Care, Respect and Ambition underpin the vision of the school. We provide a nurturing and welcoming environment that promotes community partnerships, and the school enjoys a supportive and passionate School Board and Parents and Citizens’ Association who value learning and the development of the ‘whole child’.
Our dedicated staff create environments which enable each child to achieve their personal best. Whole school evidence-based strategies, and a broad curriculum which is challenging, diverse and inclusive enable our students to achieve. Our staff pride themselves on going the extra yards for the young people in their care ensuring high standards of pastoral care and support. We are committed to building positive relationships that will have a positive impact on our student’s success.
For over 120 years, Ravensthorpe District High School has been of service to the children and families that live in the surrounding area. We are proud of this tradition and continue to strive to be a school that is respected by the community.